Saturday, January 19, 2013

homemade laundry detergent in five minutes flat!

thanks to my dear friend victoria for gifting me The Naturally Clean Home for my birthday last year, i've been slowly trying out homemade cleaners.

here's one that i have been so impressed with the results.

Basic Laundry Soap Powder

*This recipe will wash six average loads, but you can easily double it*
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
1 cup soap flakes or finely grated pure bar soap (i use fels naptha brand)

Combine all ingredients and store in a heavy plastic container. Use 1/2 cup for an average laundry load.

A few tips... I have found all the ingredients at my nearby Winco and they are CHEAP too- this stuff is way more cost effective than any other store bought detergent. It smells so clean and fresh- not chemically at all. I bought an old box grater from my nearby thrift store and keep it separate, especially for grating the bar soap. I would recommend dissolving the powder in warm water in the washer before you turn the temp to cold and add the clothes.



  1. LOVE IT! Now, what can you recommend for getting a yellowed sink to look clean? We finally found baking soda here in something larger than a teaspoon packet, the only way all the despensas sell it!

  2. Thanks Kat! I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but a lot of the recipes seems complicated. Going to give this a try when we run out of the current stuff.
