Thursday, December 16, 2010

Shout for joy!

(via luke) This month we will spend more time in church than we will spend all next year at Imago Dei. We have landed in the town of Pucallpa, in the Amazon jungle of Peru with the church of Luz Divina (church services Tue, Thu, Sat, Sun AM, Sun PM, Potluck Wed). Months ago we contacted Jennifer Harris, a missionary from Salem who has lived here for the last 10 years. Before meeting us, she welcomed us to stay in the church apartment, and let us know that there are constant projects happening in town if we wanted to volunteer. ( We decided to spend the month of December here, and quite a blessing it has been. Here is an account of the ways we have seen God in the last few weeks.

Psalm 66
Shout for joy to God, all the earth!
Sing the glory of his name;
make his praise glorious.
Say to God, “How awesome are your deeds!
So great is your power
that your enemies cringe before you.
All the earth bows down to you;
they sing praise to you,
they sing the praises of your name.”
Come and see what God has done,
his awesome deeds for mankind!

Before arriving in Pucallpa, we stayed with Pastor Juan Bautista in Huánuco, a town that claims the best weather in the world (we’re not convinced). His family’s hospitality was incredible, and the first night when we went to church with them (they had us preach in Spanish), the church presented us with gifts and they all lined up to greet us. In Huánuco we were able to share stories, games and cultures with youth and kids that flocked around the house. They were incredibly grateful that we would care to visit them and their town, and treated us like royalty.

Someone has to be the net

One day our children will look just like these!

Upon arriving in Pucallpa, we were immediately invited to go farther into the jungle to a farm. Before we knew it we jumped in a fully loaded truck, then a boat, and arrived as fresh food for the mosquitos and other bugs.

The grand event was a church anniversary celebration farther up the river in a small town. The next day, we traveled another 3 hours in a boat and were welcomed warmly with big bowl of chucky beef stew. Those living here are not the loin cloth, bow and arrow type Indians that we have seen in movies, but the living conditions are rustic. The church celebration included several church services, kids time with the American gringos, a wedding (small and simple), a 2 am meal followed by church until 5 am. After the church service/wedding, we were invited up as special guests to say some words to the church. After that, we stood with the bride and groom to be greeted in the greeting line, and we all ate cake that was both accredited to the wedding and my birthday. The overwhelming kindness and hospitality have been incredible, but sometimes I wish we could just blend in a little more.

Us with the happy couple

The first nights of our stay in Pucallpa were spent in the wonderful “Hermana Ana’s” house. Because the status of our bowel movements were not quite normal, the outhouse provided felt particularly uncomfortable. On top of that, 90 degree weather plus 80% humidity, bug bites, and no fan made for a hard night’s sleep. What I learned about hospitality from Hermana Ana is that true hospitality is extended without reservation and is not self-conscious or apologetic. She said “what I offer is simple but given with great love” and extended what she had to us with great love, no matter how humble her living circumstance are. Lesson learned: no excuse for withholding hospitality.

Eating on the farm in the jungle is a very different experience. The idea of a supermarket makes no sense to them. They rely on the provision of God through what food is in season or what animal they can kill. They eat lots of meat, but they kill it and cook it all themselves, and every woman knows how to gut a pig, chicken, fish, or monkey in 2 minutes flat. God does provide for them, and in turn they are generous with his provisions.

Pork for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

From the Peruvians here, we send authentic greetings to our brothers and sisters in Christ! Be encouraged! And remember, this Christmas live a little different. Worship more. Spend less. Give fully. Love all.


  1. Hi guys, we are following you from "below", and just wondering when you are planning to arrive down in Paraguay. Wonderful adventures you are having. Merry Christmas to you in the Southern Hemisphere!!!!!!!!!!!! dave&judy

  2. blend in?? yeah right! you're like, 2 heads taller than anyone else!
