after a long skype today with our sister hannah, I realized that I never posted pictures of our trip to Chicago about a month ago to visit her. we went for a long weekend to meet her roommates (she lives with one other woman and two guys) and see the house she is hoping to buy and use to start a powerful example of living in community. hannah is one of the most inspirational people that i know. she isn't afraid to dream big and has faith that those dreams will come true, assured of the vision that God has given her.

currently, she is dreaming of extending hospitality to her neighbors and those she comes in contact with in her neighborhood of east garfield park. she imagines people living life together and also being outward focused on those around them, digging into relationships in an authentic way that seems rare these days. i could go on and on about hannah, but i'll leave you with some pics of our trip and you can see for yourself how much she cared for us on our trip to see her in january.

deep dish pizza at gino's east- aka cheese and gluten overload!

waiting for the L

some beautiful flowers in the conservatory a few blocks from their house

we even found a banana plant!

guerrila tile mosaiac work

the lights at a yummy gyro place we ate at!

hannah cutting our hair at the salon where she works

the finished product

a rousing game of mennonite madness! one of the many moments of uncontrollable laughter during the weekend.

hannah banana, we are so proud to have you as our sister!
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