Sunday, August 12, 2012

what did i do to deserve this?

this is a question that has come up multiple times in the last few days. mainly, it has been posed by my dear husband (what have i done to deserve you? etc.) got me thinking. you didn't do a thing. i didn't do a thing. THAT IS WHAT WE CALL THE GRACE OF GOD. i believe in a God who showers me with so many things that i did nothing to deserve. and what else can i do, but sit back, receive, be grateful, and look to him to fulfill my needs, whatever they may be. here are some of the things in the last few days i feel especially undeserving of but am so grateful for.
my sister, bro in law, and niece and nephew are here from zambia and i got to spend the whole week with them running around being auntie kat. their little accents are just too much to take with a straight face, as we went to the clark county fair, camping, and capped it all off with a sleepover at our house last night. since i only get to see them once a year, i cherish each moment with them as i see how much the kids have grown and am able to relate to my sister as we grow our adult friendship. and jeremy- he keeps me on my toes with his south african vocab, saying things like "i'm going to go put on my longs, jersey and slops" (= pants, jacket and flip flops) or "put it in the boot" (= the trunk of a car). i accepted a job last week that will take me from kelly elementary back to a familiar place- bridger k-8 where i served as an americorps several years ago. i will no longer be the extended day activities coordinator, but the SUN site manager through Impact NW. i know it won't be without challenges, but am so looking forward to going back to many people, both parents and kids, who still have a special place in my heart. also, it's a spanish immersion school, so i will be using my spanish daily!
we harvested some from our garden today! there is no joy like seeing things grow from nothing to something that sustains us.
may i ever be with a grateful heart.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you get so much time with them! And congrats again on the job.

    P.s. please come help me keep my inherited garden alive...those tomato plants are doomed.
