Tuesday, April 24, 2012

signs of spring...

no one can deny that this past weekend was incredible! the sunshine, relaxing after a VERY challenging week at work; it was all just what i needed. here are some highlights and some ways that i know that sunnier days are just around the corner: *long bike rides (we rode 55+ miles on saturday out to corbett in the gorge with a hard core group from imago. i impressed them by keeping up and with my buckets full)
*laundry on the line
*chacos on my feet (thanks car for this amazing pair from a thrift store!)
*terere with my amor
*hanging out with the chickens (henrietta, ruth, and amelia bedelia)
*planting things in our garden
*bbq lunch with the eads. we are soaking up as much time with them as we can before they move to paraguay in one month. (check out their blog for more details on their trip: beggingforchange.blogspot.com)
we ended the weekend with a trip down to salem for a wedding of a missionary we met while in peru. it was a beautiful celebration and great to reconnect with her again. topped off by some reading at the salem waterfront park. hard to beat weekend. hoping yours was just as relaxing!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely, recharging and beautiful weekend you had! Glad the spring chacos are out and about.
