Saturday, January 19, 2013

homemade laundry detergent in five minutes flat!

thanks to my dear friend victoria for gifting me The Naturally Clean Home for my birthday last year, i've been slowly trying out homemade cleaners.

here's one that i have been so impressed with the results.

Basic Laundry Soap Powder

*This recipe will wash six average loads, but you can easily double it*
1 cup washing soda
1 cup baking soda
1 cup soap flakes or finely grated pure bar soap (i use fels naptha brand)

Combine all ingredients and store in a heavy plastic container. Use 1/2 cup for an average laundry load.

A few tips... I have found all the ingredients at my nearby Winco and they are CHEAP too- this stuff is way more cost effective than any other store bought detergent. It smells so clean and fresh- not chemically at all. I bought an old box grater from my nearby thrift store and keep it separate, especially for grating the bar soap. I would recommend dissolving the powder in warm water in the washer before you turn the temp to cold and add the clothes.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

yesterday and today

yesterday it was 2012. today it's 2013! yesterday it was snowing and today we went bike riding!

to start the year off right, we took advantage of a spectacular day and headed out to the gorge to ride a trail we've wanted to for a long time. the Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail is off i-84 east at exit 40 and goes for less than five miles in either direction. we saw bonneville dam and stopped in cascade locks for a burger and to warm our toes. the most spectacular sight was the places where water normally flows down freely are covered with ice and frost on the rock walls of the gorge. incredible!

besides getting the chance to be out in nature on day one of a new year, we were able to spend some time reflecting on the full year we had, as well as think ahead to the months coming. although i'm not a person who sets resolutions for myself, i would like to be mindful this year (LIVE WITH INTENTION). more on that later.

for now, i will rejoice that i flossed my teeth more in 2012 and went to the community center once a week to zumba. it's the small things, right? what's something you did in 2012 that you are proud of yourself for doing?