
Our journey will begin days after our wedding with a flight to Quito, Ecuador on September 8. Accompanied with our bicycles, we are excited to finally land in South America, a dream that has been stirring in both of our hearts for years. You may be thinking, wait a minute, did she just say BICYCLES? I did indeed! Through our lives in Portland, Oregon, Luke and I have both become quite the bike aficionados and lovers of bike touring, mostly in Oregon and Washington. Therefore, it only seemed logical to pack our bikes up and take them with us while going to explore some new places.

How long will we be gone and where will we go? We are both finishing up Americorps jobs this summer, putting our lives in Portland on hold and leaving to learn more about each other and Latin American culture. Hopefully, that will bring us back to Portland in spring of 2011. The route is flexible, but as you can see in the map above, we hope to visit Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. On the map above, the red route is the part that we hope to bike. Somewhere around Christmastime, we hope to trade our buckets and bungees for backpacks, following the blue route by bus. Paraguay will be our end destination, as Luke spent 4 of his growing up years there with his family, while his parents were missionaries.

We hope to find God's kingdom breaking through the people, the nature, and the experiences we encounter along the way. We plan on being flexible and joining in where we find opportunities. We encourage you to research a place, project, or story in any of the countries we may be passing through, and SHARE IT WITH US or encourage us to visit it (you can vicariously live through our adventure!). Also, if you happen to know of an available couch, let us know.