as the sunny days have been few and far between this spring, we have managed to make good use out of any and all the sunshine that comes our way. this past weekend, we drove out to Corbett, Oregon along the Columbia River Gorge Scenic Highway. we ditched the car, and then rode the 15 miles straight UPHILL to larch mountain. quite the challenging ride as there was hardly a break in the climb, but what a breathtaking view awaited us at the top! we had views of Mt. Rainer, Mt. St Helens, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson, AND Mt. Hood. any one of those mountains by itself is majestic, but put them all together, and there are no words to describe it. after a picnic lunch, then came the fun part.
the ride down! nothing like the wind blowing at your face and the sun on your back to feel alive!

the view of the gorge never gets old

three of the five mountains seen from the top

finding parking is never a problem with bikes

after a long and tedious trip up, we made it, finally!

the scenery was stunning in the sunlight